This week has been a busy one with something happening in the garden every day! On Monday, we continued to plant potatoes. Catriona's mum came in to join us and did a marvellous job
weeding the strawberries too!
We marked each row with a cane and put a pot on top to protect our eyes when bending down near them! We now also have "Golden Wonder" and "King Edward" varieties to add to the collection. On Tuesday, Catriona and Charlotte sowed radish seeds over the top of where the potatoes are. They will come up and be ready to crop before the potatoes show through.
On Wednesday, Miss Swallow was out of school, but Catriona, Charlotte and Danielle dug over soil ready to sow lettuce. They also watered things in the greenhouse. (In case you are wondering, Lewis was away camping with the school this week!)
On Thursday, we transplanted carrot and parsnip seedlings into big pots to give them some depth to grow. We studied the plants - as you can see above, they already have a large root system. The carrot leaves are feathery, except for the two "seed" leaves called "cotyledons" which are a different more simple shape.
These are the first leaves to be produced using the energy from the seed. Once they have grown, they can photosynthesise and produce energy for growing the roots and other leaves. We lifted the plants by the cotyledons as they have now performed their function and will die back.
We also sowed seeds of "Jersey Kale" sometimes called "Walking Stick Cabbage" as it grows to 2-3 metres tall and the stem can be turned into a polished walking stick. If the seeds sprout, we will use the seedlings for this year's competition - pupils can "adopt" a seedling and the one who has the tallest will win £10 in the Autumn. Again, Frank Nicol's garden centre have kindly agreed to host the competition. This year, we will put the money raised towards the school's "Mary's Meals" appeal which helps to feed children in Malawi - first years are also putting together back packs containing essentials like pencils, footwear, clothing and a spoon to eat with to send out to Malawi.
Danielle waters the seeds in the greenhouse.
We also weeded the onions and planted the rest of them out.
Meanwhile, the squash seeds are sprouting...
...and the peas and beans really need planting out!
On Friday, we sowed lettuce next to the onions and started preparing the rest of the soil for planting out brassicas next week. It's all go! Above, you can see our garlic, oats and comfry plant, with some potatoes in bags behind.