This week, we planted out the walking stick cabbages from the garden centre.
You can see Mr MacFarlane's "no 2" winner here on the left! We gave them all a good feed and watered them in well. They should continue to grow happily through the winter - taller and taller!
Danielle watered all the flowers in the greenhouse.
She also started potting up some geraniums from the garden as they would not survive the cold winter here. We shall keep some in the science greenhouse and plant them out again next year.
Notice the pressed flower picture next to it - arranged by Connorhan, with club members' names in the middle.
On Thursday, we also did some major weeding behind the greenhouse. We want to clear the ground between the trees and then scatter spring flowering bulbs and cover them with soil. This should be easier than digging in each one as the soil is very stony. (Monty Don did this on gardener's world, so we thought we'd give it a try too)
Pulling up thistles and dock plants!
At the end of last week Isabela came in again too and finished weeding the raised bed (this is where the cabbages are now!)
Meanwhile Miss Swallow tidied the greenhouse and weeded in front of it as it was
in a right state! It now feels like a potential growing area again.
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