Thursday 23 September 2010

Preparing the Flower Bed

This week, we were shovelling soil into the raised bed to get ready for sowing flowers for next year. As you can see in the picture, we have a pile of soil to move! This was donated to us at the end of the summer term. It is hard work shovelling just now as it is wet and heavy but we'll get there. We also picked more runner beans and donated some (along with highly scented garlic) to Dave Lynch who provided us with raised beds to start the garden. We hope you enjoy our produce!

Friday 10 September 2010

Enjoying the garden!

Another week goes by. This week, we did small jobs and just enjoyed being in the garden. The bean canes were almost falling over due to strong winds, so we tied them with string and tent pegs! We ate lots, and did some light weeding. Unfortunately our brussel sprout plants are riddled with holes - and there are lots of caterpillars on them! We will try to leave a couple of plants for the caterpillars, get them off the others, then protect them from being ravaged!

Thursday 2 September 2010

Harvesting More Produce

Another busy week - harvesting potatoes, lettuce and garlic. DiGGers members have been taking produce home to taste. We have also been selling it to staff and had good feedback from them - asking if we have any more! We have also finished the shelving in the shed so it is now much tidier!