Thursday 24 February 2011

S1 pupils design us posters.

On Wednesday this week, we met indoors and looked through lots of first year Art books. Pupils have been drawing posters for our greenhouse. Above are the designs we chose to scan and print. We have invited Mr MacKenzie to visit next week to help sow the first seeds of the year. We will put up the posters, naming the greenhouse in memory of his late wife Betty.
Pupils were on holiday last week, but Miss Swallow managed some tidying and weeding. Today, Lewis and Charlotte brought more gravel into the garden to keep the weeds down in front of the greenhouse.
They were full of energy - dashing back to fetch more!

Meanwhile, Miss Swallow continued weeding - you can see the beds still to do!! Catriona was not in today - hope you feel better soon and get back to school as we missed you! Oh yes, and we spotted our first flowers today - wild ones! They are a lovely blue crocus, and small bunch of snowdrops, near the fence, next to the compost heaps.

We would also like to thank Garry, an S6 pupil who has volunteered to bring out the canteen and Food Technology department waste for the compost twice a week - every little bit helps us! We hope you enjoy the changes you see in the garden as the Spring progresses.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Cosy Shed and a Weeding Session

Our new chairs arrived this week - so we can now sit comfortably in the shed! You might wonder why we need chairs for a gardening group, but when it rains, snows, blows or is generally inclement weather, it is good to be able to still meet and do things in the shed! We have enjoyed feasts, watching out for birds (saw our first blue tit this week!), planning and opening various parcels of seeds etc. On Wednesday, we unpacked the chairs, and put up posters on the roof so we can see what we should be aiming to accomplish each month! It now feels positively homely in there!

We also put up a key holder (made from Polymer Clay by Miss Swallow)... ...and hooks to hang our aprons tidily!
On Thursday, the sun was shining and it felt quite warm. We made the most of this weather and got cracking - weeding the raised beds. We also dug up the garlic planted last week (as it was too deep in the ground!) We replanted them with the tips showing so they won't rot away.

Thursday 3 February 2011


This week, Miss Swallow had a complete surprise. Little known to her, the DiGGers members were plotting and planning all week to have a surprise party as a thankyou for running the club! She innocently gave Catriona the shed key, for her to spend a non-existant free lesson making pots and tidying. In reality, they were out of lessons slightly early and putting out a home-made cake (very tasty Lewis!) and lots of chocolate goodies!!
Biodegradable pots double up as party hats whilst we sort seeds and browse some catalogues! We also kept an eye out for birds, though there weren't many around! The only breeds were saw were robins, some herring gulls and crows. Better than nothing! We really need to provide more habitat for smaller birds to perch and roost in to encourage them to feed and stay in the garden.

After polishing off the last of the cake on Thursday, we checked the "Allotment Book" to see what should follow brussel sprouts in terms of rotational planting. It just so happens the onion family is happy in poorer soil that the sprouts have taken nitrogen from. Above, you can see Lewis planting garlic. Charlotte keeps warm by running around (fast!) There was a freezing wind, so we couldn't stay out long. By the end of the day, icy rain and a gale was blowing up. The greenhouse window needed fixing so the wind couldn't get in and blow out all the panels. DiGGers now have a handy toolkit (bottom left of the picture) which was perfect for replacing a nut and bolt and a big washer. Let's hope the greenhouse is still standing safe in the morning!