Friday 19 April 2013

Pruning and Tidying

Spring has still been "on hold" this week, with cold windy weather.
Yet again, the wind blew out some panels from the greenhouse!  They hadn't gone far, so we put them back and replaced the canes to hold them in place.
On Wednesday, we took possession of some chairs - they are "returning home" as they used to be in the old school!  Alistair (Lewis's granddad) managed to get hold of them for us.  So now we have plenty of seating.
On Thursday, Mr Macfarlane worked really hard - digging in two more raised beds that he has donated.  These will be used by classes for planting, so now we can have groups of four pupils instead of five looking after a pair of raised beds.
Meanwhile, Danielle started pruning the Buddleja bush - this is before...
...and this is after (admittedly with a little help from the Friday class too!).  We need to chop up the branches next week to put into the compost.
On Friday, to mark "National Gardening Week" Miss Swallow called into St. Clements School to drop in a couple of plants for their garden: rhubarb and comfrey.  They have been taken by dividing our garden plants.  They were very grateful and also keen to enter this year's primary school competition for the Summer Garden Party.  All primary schools have been given two "Cassablanca" First Early seed potatoes this week.  The winner of the Lewis MacKenzie Trophy will be the one that produces the most potatoes by the date of the garden party!
Meanwhile, our own Rhubarb plants are coming on nicely - they have grown a lot over the Easter Holidays.