Thursday, 30 May 2013

Summer on its way.

Glad to be back on the blog after a prolonged absence due to illness.  The DiGGers met today to get cracking now the weather is warmer and brighter.  We started weeding the wild flower border to prepare for re-sowing fresh seed.
 The garden is looking pretty good considering it has been neglected for several weeks!
 Our fruit bushes have really grown...
 ...and happily, all our fruit trees are still alive and in blossom despite not being planted into their upright positions yet!
 The rhubarb has gone mad - we need to cut off the flower stalks in order to let the edible stalks mature.
The strawberries have re-emerged of their own accord too.
We have plenty of weeding to do and need to get our seed potatoes in the ground as soon as possible!
So, now we can really get going with seed sowing too - runner beans, peas, lettuce etc - watch this space for more next week!
Also, next Friday, the Parent Council have arranged another fundraising event for us - so we'll help them with a bakesale at break time - bring some money along and enjoy a tasty cake!